Reader Praise
~ Rachael Dixon
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant, San Diego, CA, USA
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Congratulations, Kathy! I just received my shipment of your book. Just browsing through it I can tell that many people will gain a better understanding of what Brain Gym can do for them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience, and especially your love and concern for us all.
~ Mary Wade
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant, and Montessori teacher, Phoenix, AZ, USA
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In Educate Your Brain, Kathy Brown has provided a plethora of information and many personal successes of using Brain Gym with children and adults. This book enriches the Brain Gym class experience and is wonderfully supportive. It’s on the reading list for my Brain Gym students taking the class for graduate credit. They have truly enjoyed Kathy’s book and made the following comments:
• I gained insight into the practical implications for using PACE and other Brain Gym techniques.
• Great ideas on strategies for helping my peers gain interest in Brain Gym
• Wonderful suggestions for ways to engage middle school age students, including athletics
• I can see how using Brain Gym for just 3-5 minutes per day can support all learners, from those with special needs to high achievers.
~ Bonnie Hershey, M.Ed.
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant, Lexington, MA, USA
Board Chair, Brain Gym® International
Congratulations once again, on a superb job.
~ Lisa Marcovici
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Kathy, this is the most definitive, comprehensive, all-encompassing, beautifully written and presented book on Brain Gym that I have ever got my hands on! This will promote and clarify Brain Gym for many, many people. I for one will be recommending it to all students, parents, and teachers, and other professionals. It is excellent. Well done!
~ Tanya Simmons
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant, New Orleans, LA, USA
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Educate Your Brain is a wonderful contribution to a deeper understanding of how Brain Gym enhances the learning process. This very well written, practical guide fills in the missing gaps of learning with ease, through movement, as we achieve our best. Kathy Brown clearly guides the reader through “a how to use Brain Gym path” with the destinations being learning with ease, living with joy, increased coordination, and so much more.
~ Maribel Fonseca
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant, Lakewood, CA, USA
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Hi Kathy ~ I love Educate Your Brain, and recommend it highly to anyone I speak to about Brain Gym. Your book makes the Brain Gym program easily understandable and accessible. I love the anecdotes; they are so inspiring!
~ Katy Held
Movement and Learning Specialist, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
We found a large box in our vestibule this morning; and, lo and behold, it was from you — and what a joy to find inside our autographed copies of your excellent book, Educate Your Brain. Congratulations on a job well-done! We are loving every page.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking with a most challenging project and for creating an absolute, first-rate, professional book.
Educate Your Brain will inspire thousands around the world to discover the whole brain-body connection that will help them to truly enjoy learning and to live more gracefully in these challenging times.
Happy days and many sales!
Love to all,
Paul and Gail (Dennison)
(Co-founders of the Brain Gym® Program)
Dive in! It’s at the top of my list of recommendations for those wanting to find out more about our program.
~ Kari Coady
Executive Director, Brain Gym® International

Reader comments from
Ruth Murray
First off, I loved this book’s straightforward explanation of how to do many of the Brain Gym movements. Ms Brown peppers her narrative with directions on how to help people with many of the all-too-common problems we’re seeing in children and ourselves, along with heart-warming stories of how similar people have found help. It’s well-written and well-organized; shows how everybody, from toddlers to seniors, can benefit from little or big things that hold us back in living our lives. Brain Gym’s such a paradigm-shift in thinking that this wide-ranging look at the theory behind movement’s effects on our function is extremely welcome.
* * * * * awesome!!
I am an OT working in the schools. I read this entire book, could not put it down! Kathy Brown wrote it so well; she was able to target many audiences. She was thorough and I would love to go to her Brain Gym class!
If you are a teacher or therapist or parents, this is a must!
* * * * * Insightful, helpful book
This book has provided excellent information about using various brain gym exercises to help the brain left and right hemispheres communicate better. It has helped bring clarity of thought. I have shared it with others who have been impressed and plan to get a copy for themselves.
* * * * * A Must Have
Amazon customer
I highly recommend this book for anyone hoping to improve in school, sports,or organizational skills by better understanding of Brain Gym. “Educate Your Brain” contains valuable information for any teacher, parent, learning center, or individual. It includes a wealth of information! As a Special Education teacher in High School learning centers, I have used Brain Gym with significant results in reading, writing, and math skills.
J. Dixon
This book is excellent for anyone interested in learning about Brain Gym and the possible performance benefits. The book is comprehensive yet easy enough for people new to Brain Gym to understand. I shared this book with our school principal and she bought it on the spot. She said she wanted to use Brain Gym with the students who come visit her office. I also like that the author, Kathy Brown, uses real life experiences to explain how Brain Gym works-real people getting real results.
* * * * therapists and the like. You can use it as a DIY learning
ALL can benefit from this book. Not just for educators, therapists and the like. You can use it as a DIY learning program or as a just in time problem solution fix. Also the author does a very nice job of explaining the use for each exercise with why you should do it and some science but not too much. In Dr Carla Hannaford’s Smart Moves: Why Learning Isn’t All In Your Head, she goes over the science of why this stuff works in a VERY detailed way. So if you need that then that I recommend that book. Years ago I previously I purchased Making the Brain/Body Connection by Sharon Promislow for a kinesiology class which is a very informative book that I also recommend but I liked the graphics in Kathy Brown’s Educate Your Brain much more. I can’t pick one over the other as they both have really good points. I think Sharon Promislow’s book is a great intro to the topic of kinesiology and if you need a more educational slant I would go to Kathy Brown’s book.
* * * * * Good
sue marie stimpson
I liked that there were lots of pictures along with the explanations. It made it easy to understand. Thank you!
* * * * * Five Stars
Love it! Use lots of these ideas and exercises during my educational therapy sessions with students!
Copyright© 2020 Kathy Brown. All rights reserved. Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of Brain Gym® International Please see the Brain Gym website at